Tradición y erudición en el libro XIII de Deipnosophistai de Ateneo de Naucratis

  1. Sanchis Llopis, Jordi
Minerva: Revista de filología clásica

ISSN: 0213-9634

Année de publication: 1994

Número: 8

Pages: 163-188

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Minerva: Revista de filología clásica


Athenaeus of Naucratis did not only transcribe skilfully and learnedly texts written by authors from previous days, but also had a wide knowledge of the literary tradition, which enabled him to create a structurally coherent work belonging to the symposiac genre. Within the work Deipnosophistai, book XIII is a good example of the grammarian's literary achievements. On women is not only a έρωτικός λόγος adapted to the literary demands of his time but also a real encyclopaedia of 'erotic' literature ranging from Homer to the Hellenistic period.

Références bibliographiques

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