Restricciones financieras y crecimientoel caso de la pyme valenciana

  1. Romero Martínez, Mariano
  2. López Gracia, José
  3. Riaño Donnay, Vicente
Revista española de financiación y contabilidad

ISSN: 0210-2412

Ano de publicación: 1999

Número: 99

Páxinas: 349-382

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad


This paper analyses the difficulties that small firms have in obtaining finance within the private sector of credit, and also the repercussions they have on the growth of these very companies. Furthermore, we have studied the relationship between finance and investment, and provided empirical evidence about the degree of additionality that other financial sources can offer: Our research is based on a sample of small firms ramdomly selected and on the opinions given by their managing directors. Our findings show that significant finance restrictions for the development of these companies do not exist. Finally, the additionality detected in relation to other alternative mechanisms might be considered to be irrelevant.

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