Cartografía de los miradores de paisaje valencianosidentificación colaborativa y análisis de la calidad del paisaje visible desde puntos de observación paisajística

  1. Emilio Iranzo‐García
  2. Mª Paz Caballero‐López
  3. Estefanía de la Vega‐Zamorano
  4. Gerson Beltrán López 1
  5. Joan Carles Membrado‐Tena
  6. Alejandro Pérez‐Cueva 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Naturaleza, territorio y ciudad en un mundo global

Publisher: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 2003-2012

Congress: Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles (25. 2017. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


In the Comunitat Valenciana, technical exercises have been carried out to identify and map the landscape, from different administrations and institutions. However, these works hardly consider the landscape model internalized by the population. From the Chair of Citizen Participation and Valencian Landscapes, we propose an analysis and actions, based on citizen collaboration through IKTs and Social Networks. The citizens have integrated smart devices into their lives that allow them to photograph, georeferencing and conversing around the so‐ called web 2.0, based on the bidirectionality of communication and the interaction and participation of users. The advantages of using these tools are multiple compared to the classic workshops: allow users to be grouped around a topic and to conduct consultations and surveys; allow to classify the users according to their sociodemographic characteristics; and allow obtain information or direct contributions from users. One of the results is the network of viewpoints of the landscape of the Comunitat Valenciana. Viewpoints, conceived as enclaves from which extensive views are obtained, are a very useful tool for the transmission of landscape values. In this work we present a GIS analysis of the landscape observed from the network of observation points in the Alto Palancia.