Twittering green news. Decodificando cómo los periodistas ambientales europeos utilizan Twitter

  1. Martí Domínguez
  2. Maria Josep Picó Garcés
  3. Emilio Soria Olivas
VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo: El impacto de las audiencias en los perfiles profesionales y los contenidos
  1. Ainara Larrondo Ureta (coord.)
  2. Koldobika Meso Ayerdi (coord.)
  3. Simón Peña Fernández (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio Editorial = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-9082-468-9

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 101-120

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo (8. 2016. Bilbao)

Type: Conference paper


This paper analyzes and characterizes the activity of the consolidated environmental journalists in newspapers and nature magazines from European press on Twitter. The objective is to know his leadership in creating public opinion in sustainability through this social network, considered the most journalistic. This work has studied the activity in this network of 23 professionals from Britain, France, Italy and Spain. Specifically, in the following publications: The Guardian, Telegraph, The Times, Le Monde, Libération, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, El Pais, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, BBC Wildlife Magazine and Quercus. In total, we have obtained 1,505 units of analysis during the month of December 2014. The methodology used is both quantitative and qualitative, in which we have used the self-organizing maps (SOM), classic tools of visual data mining.