Com avaluar webs editorials. Procediment metodològic preliminar basat en investigacions similars

  1. Escandell Maestre, Dari
  2. Lluch Crespo, Gemma
Tecnología, innovación e investigación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
  1. Roig Vila, Rosabel (coord.)

Editorial: Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-9921-848-9

Año de publicación: 2016

Páginas: 1599-1608

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


This paper aims to establish a standardized pattern of analysis to evaluate publishing houses� websites. Given the lack of an analytical model specific for publishers� websites, the authors of this study have profusely reviewed the literature and have selected some studies that evaluate the quality of websites related to reading, specifically, the world of libraries, education and museums, in order to obtain appropriate criteria and, thereby, generate an effective analysis methodology. The final product establishes a number of common parameters, although the studies consulted depart from different methodological procedures. The future implementation of this still embryonic proposal in real publishers� websites will prove the validity of this model, which has taken into account different approaches to the analysis of websites. The ultimate goal of this research is to create indicators to check the communicative effectiveness of publishing houses� websites.