Los Spectacvla lvcretiana de Giambattista Cantalicio, un poemario de comienzos del XVI en honor de los Borja.

  1. Grau Codina, Ferran
  2. Pérez Durà, Jordi
Dulces camenae: poética y poesía latinas
  1. Luque Moreno, Jesús (coord.)
  2. Rincón González, María Dolores (coord.)
  3. Velázquez, Isabel (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad de Estudios Latinos ; Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-5374-5

Year of publication: 2010

Pages: 815-825

Type: Book chapter


The Spectacula Lucretiana is a collection of poems composed by Juan Bautista Cantalicio Valentini in 1502, after the third wedding of Lucrezia Borgia to Alfonso d'Este, first-born of the Duke of Ferrara, Ercole I. The poems were inspired, as the title clearly suggests, in Martial, but only in a superficial way, as the author gives an account of the celebrations organized in Rome for the wedding of Lucrezia, being faithful, in essence, to historical reality. As for the metrics of the poems elegiac verse predominates, followed by Phalaecian hendecasyllabe, with a single example of Sapphic stanza and heroic verse.