Análisis Contable de la Política Económica en España 2012

  1. Pérez Benedito, Miguel Ángel
Economía y libertad: la Gran Recesión y sus salidas
  1. Enciso de Yzaguirre, Vicente (coord.)
  2. Sanz-Bas, David (coord.)
  3. Nogales Naharro, María de los Ángeles

Argitaletxea: Universidad Católica de Avila

ISBN: 978-84-15300-08-3

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Orrialdeak: 605-624

Biltzarra: Congreso de Economía y Libertad (1. 2012. Avila)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


The evolution of economy is analyzed in this article with the accounting information which is obtained from the Central Balance Sheet of the Bank of Spain using the Edgeworth box as an analytical tool. The methodology used according to the specified analytical tool allows us to obtain two indicators which justify the positions taken by companies in a financial and economic sense. Observations represented in the Edgeworth box are the response of firms to the Spanish economic evolution and therefore it is possible to estimate models based on these indicators By means of the methodology introduced, accounting and economic knowledge can be shared from a different perspective. The consistency of reached conclusions is based on the validity of the obtained indicators and explains why macroeconomic variables affect the behaviour of firms in the Spanish economy. What is relevant in this article is the methodology that is provided, not the previously used economic models which, as it is pointed out, they do not necessarily have to be linear.