Formación familiar y tenencia de vivienda de los jóvenes españoles en la primera década del siglo XXI

  1. Colom Andrés, María Consuelo
  2. Molés Machí, María Cruz
Anales de economía aplicada 2014
  1. García Lizana, Antonio (coord.)
  2. Fernández Morales, Antonio (coord.)
  3. Podadera Rivera, Pablo (coord.)

Verlag: Asociación Española de Economía Aplicada, ASEPELT

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Seiten: 247-262

Kongress: ASEPELT España. Reunión anual (28. 2014. Málaga)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


An important process for young is the transition to adulthood. With the socio-economic crisis of recent years, this group has experienced an increase in the difficulty of performing this process, mainly due to the problems of integration and precariousness in the labor market. The aim of our paper is to analyze how economic and social changes experienced in recent years have influenced on the determinants of the behavior of Spanish young facing to the decision of forming an independent household of their parents and the choice of housing tenure (ownership versus rental). These issues will be analyzed with discrete choice models using empirical information from the first decade of this century. With data from the House- 2 hold Budget Survey (HBS) of 2010 we will determine the current housing situation of young people in Spain and we will establish the similarities and differences with the situation of young people in 2000 using data from the Household Panel (ECHP).