Fenómenos métricos y antihiatismo en hablantes cultos de españolenfoques histórico, preceptivo y empírico. Vindicación gramatical y normativa

  1. Alcoholado Feltstrom, Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Mercedes Sanz Gil Director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 18 July 2017

  1. José Manuel Blecua Perdices Chair
  2. Susana Pastor Cesteros Secretary
  3. Antonio Hidalgo Navarro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 484807 DIALNET


This work describes from historical, literary and grammatical approaches the Spanish tendency to utter in one same syllable vowel sounds that belong to different syllables in writing conventions, a hiatus resolution trait inherited from Latin. With the verification of the said tendency in 3 corpuses (a literary corpus plus 2 oral collections, both from educated speakers), the present study disputes grammar prejudices that stand in the way of comprehension about this oral feature, formulates the need to extend the 'slide' concept to the Spanish middle vowels according to their phonological reality, suggests revision of the current normative stand on the anti-hiatus tendency, and considers further lines for research.