Prevalencia, comorbilidad y correlatos psicológicos de la compulsividad sexual
- Rafael Ballester Arnal Director
- María Dolores Gil Llario Co-director
Defence university: Universitat Jaume I
Fecha de defensa: 08 March 2017
- Claudia Castañeiras Chair
- Azucena García Palacios Secretary
- Georgina Cárdenas Committee member
Type: Thesis
Sexual compulsivity -intense and repetitive preoccupation with sexual fantasies, impulses and behaviors that causes adverse consequences and discomfort- is a pathology that reached increasing attention. However, it still raises many questions. For this reason, the present thesis had a double objective: to estimate the prevalence of sexual compulsivity among young population and to characterize the biopsychosocial profile of those with and without subclinical scores in this dimension. For that purpose, a two phases research was developed: during the first one, around 1,600 young people between 18-27 years old (684 boys and 904 girls) completed a screening battery for sexual impulse control; during the second one, 400 (200 controls and 200 with some traits of sexual compulsivity) were selected in order to complete an additional evaluation. The results of this thesis allow knowing in depth the reality of sexual impulses control among Spanish young population.