Entrepreneurial orientation, export performance and green innovation performancethe mediating effect of open innovation in smes
- Joaquín Alegre Vidal Director
Defence university: Universitat de València
Fecha de defensa: 22 May 2018
- Ricardo Chiva Gómez Chair
- Anabel Fernández Mesa Secretary
- Chris Simms Committee member
Type: Thesis
Entrepreneurship, innovation and internationalization are topics of great interest for the scientific community, companies and for all major governments worldwide. In literature there are many studies that are interested and look for the relationship between entrepreneurship and performance. Based on the literature on entrepreneurship, open innovation (OI), green innovation performance (GIP) and export performance (EP), we extend the model by hypothesizing and studying to what extent the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is influenced and mediated by a construct that has become a hot topic among the scientific community in the last decade, as is open innovation; impacting and facilitating the processes of green innovation and the internationalization of the companies. All this is done in an empirical study in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), where resources are scarce and strategies linked to green production and export plays a fundamental role for their performance. Taking as a sample Spanish companies in the footwear industry and companies related to science parks, the analyses are carried out to test these relationships through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). It is expected to find a positive relationship in the object of study.