Study of the population of immature neurons in the adult piriform cortex layer ii

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Juan Nacher Doktorvater
  2. Esther Castillo-Gomez Co-Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 18 von Januar von 2019

  1. Alino Martinez Marcos Präsident/in
  2. Isabel Fariñas Sekretärin
  3. Javier Gilabert-Juan Vocal
  1. Biologia Cel·lular, Biologia Funcional i Antropologia Física

Art: Dissertation


Physiological studies indicate that the piriform or primary olfactory cortex of adult mammals exhibits a high degree of synaptic plasticity. Interestingly, a subpopulation of cells in the layer II of the adult piriform cortex expresses neurodevelopmental markers, such as the polysialylated form of neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) or doublecortin (DCX). This study analyzes the nature, origin, and potential function of these poorly understood cells in mice. As previously described in rats, most of the PSA-NCAM expressing cells in layer II could be morphologically classified as tangled cells and only a small proportion of larger cells could be considered semilunar-pyramidal transitional neurons. Most were also immunoreactive for DCX, confirming their immature nature. In agreement with this, detection of PSA-NCAM combined with that of different cell lineage-specific antigens revealed that most PSA-NCAM positive cells did not co-express markers of glial cells or mature neurons. Their time of origin was evaluated by birthdating experiments with halogenated nucleosides performed at different developmental stages and in adulthood. We found that virtually all cells in this paleocortical region, including PSA-NCAM-positive cells, are born during fetal development. In addition, proliferation analyses in adult mice revealed that very few cells were cycling in layer II of the piriform cortex and that none of them was PSA-NCAM-positive. Moreover, we have established conditions to isolate and culture these immature neurons in the adult piriform cortex layer II. We find that although they can survive under certain conditions, they do not proliferate in vitro either. On the other hand, these cells progressively disappear along the course of aging, while their fate and function remain unclear. Thus, using DCX-CreERT2/Flox-EGFP transgenic mice, we demonstrate that these immature neurons located in the murine piriform cortex do not vanish in the course of aging, but progressively resume their maturation into glutamatergic (TBR1+, CaMKII+) neurons. We provide evidence for a putative functional integration of these newly differentiated neurons as indicated by the increase in perisomatic puncta expressing synaptic markers, the development of complex apical dendrites decorated with numerous spines and the appearance of an axonal initial segment. Since immature neurons found in layer II of the piriform cortex are generated prenatally and devoid of proliferative capacity in the postnatal cortex, the gradual maturation and integration of these cells outside of the canonical neurogenic niches implies that they represent a valuable, but nonrenewable reservoir for cortical plasticity.