New analytical methodologies for food safety and quality

  1. Gonzalvez Illueca, Ana
Dirigida por:
  1. Miguel de la Guardia Director
  2. Sergio Armenta Codirector

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 08 de julio de 2011

  1. Rosa Puchades Presidente/a
  2. Vicent Anfós Yusà Pelechà Secretario/a
  3. Saskia M. van Ruth Vocal
  4. Joanna Szpunar Vocal
  5. Damiá Barceló Culleres Vocal
  1. Química Analítica

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 311742 DIALNET


The outbreak of diseases related to foodstuffs and scares around the world have raised consumer awareness about the safety and quality of food, so aspects of geographical origin, manufacturing and agricultural practices in food production have assumed great importance. The objective of this thesis is the development of new analytical methodologies to assess food safety and quality in an accurate, precise and fast manner. To evaluate food safety different contaminants have to be measured in food samples; such as toxic elements, pesticides and antibiotics among others. In this sense, this thesis has been focused on the development of different analytical methodologies which satisfy food authorities, industries and consumers. This general purpose can be divided in different specific objectives depending on the different evaluated contaminant and also depending on the assessment of food safety or the evaluation of food quality. In short, the developed methodologies can be considered as useful tool for official authorities to control the quality and safety of food products. Moreover, the developed screening methodologies improve the frequency of analysis allowing an increase of the samples to be analyzed and improving, at the same time, the food control process. Additionally, those screening methodologies can be considered as green alternatives, due to their extremely low solvent consumption and waste generation. It means a low impact of analytical chemistry activities on the environment but also implies a strong reduction of cost in terms of solvent consumption and waste treatment. Specifically, a methodology based on ICP-OES after microwave assisted acid digestion was successfully applied for the simultaneous determination of essential and toxic elements in argan oil and curry samples. A simple and fast non chromatographic methodology based on HG-AFS and proportional equations procedure was proposed for the determination of As(III) and As(V). New screening methodologies based on FTIR after LPME pre-concentration and direct ambient MS spectrometry were developed to reduce the number of samples to be analyzed by chromatographic techniques Concerning food quality, authentication and adulteration control based on the determination of mineral composition by ICP-OES combined with some multivariated statistical techniques was successfully applied in Spanish wine and rice, and vegetable oil samples. FTIR after LPME pre-concentration strategy was used for the semivolatile composition determination of spices and fruit samples, allowing their ageing and storage control.