Influencia de la diabetes experimental sobre la reactividad de las arterias basilar, carótida y renal de conejo a la endotelina-1.

  1. González Marrachelli, Vannina
  1. Francisco Javier Miranda Alonso Zuzendaria
  2. Enrique Alborch Domínguez Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 2007(e)ko abendua-(a)k 20

  1. Albino García Sacristán Presidentea
  2. José María Vila Salinas Idazkaria
  3. María Carmen Terencio Silvestre Kidea
  4. Ignacio Lizasoain Hernández Kidea
  5. María Pilar D'Ocon Navaza Kidea
  1. Fisiologia

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 132344 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Vascular diabetes complications are the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the diabetic patient. The influence of alloxan-induced diabetes on the reactivity of rabbit basilar, carotid and renal arteries to endothelin-1 was examined by using a model in which isometric tension developed by the arterial segments is recorded. The conclusions obtained from this study are: 1. Experimental diabetes modifies the vascular response to endothelin-1 in a different way depending on the vascular bed. 2. Diabetes induces specific hyperreactivity of rabbit basilar artery to endothelin-1. The authors conclude that at least three causes could contribute to this hyperreactivity: 1) the lower endothelial inhibitory modulation of this response, including impaired activity of the endothelial endothelin ETB receptors which mediate vasodilatation through NO release; 2) the lower sensitivity to NO in the vascular smooth muscle cells; and 3) the greater participation of muscular endothelin ETA and ETB receptors that mediate vasoconstriction. 3. Diabetes induces hyperreactivity of the rabbit carotid artery to ET-1 by a mechanism that at least includes: 1) enhanced activity of muscular ETA receptors; 2) impairment of ETB receptors mediated NO release; and 3) enhancement of the production of thromboxane A2. 4. The hyperreactivity of the basilar and carotid bed to endothelin-1 could contribute to the greater susceptibility to cerebrovascular diseases of diabetic patients. 5. Diabetes induces complexes changes in the regulatory mechanisms that regulate the contractile response of the rabbit renal artery to endothelin-1: 1) enhancement of endothelial NO; 2) altered balance between vasoconstrictor (COX-1) and vasodilator (COX-2) prostanoids in favour of the last ones; and 3) decreased ratio between vasoconstrictor and vasodilator prostanoids released after activation of endothelin ETA receptors predominating on the increased ratio after activation of endothelin ETB receptors. The sum of these changes results in a decrease in the sensitivity of the renal artery to this peptide. 6. The possible vascular implications for the use of COX-inhibitors and endothelin-1 related drugs should be considered in diabetic patients.