Medida y valoración de parámetros biomecánicos en un sistema ergométrico para aplicaciones en discapacitados usuarios de sillas de ruedas.

  1. Martos Torres, Julio
Supervised by:
  1. Enrique Sanchis Peris Director
  2. Gabriel Alberto Brizuela Costa Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2004

  1. Ángel Sebastiá Cortés Chair
  2. Vicente González Millán Secretary
  3. Jorge Luis Falco Boudet Committee member
  4. José Campos Granell Committee member
  5. Marcos Gutiérrez Dávila Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 96631 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


These thesis is a multidisciplinary work in electronic technology, informatics, communications, and rehabilitation and sport. It has been designed and developed an ergometer specific for wheels chairs users. The characteristics desired for this instrument are such that require the application of knowledge and technical of different technological areas. Of the electronic technology to design and to build the systems of measure and control. Of the data processing to implement the system of capture and analysis of data. Of the telecommunications to interconnect teams and to be able to obtain its utilization to distance, permitting in this way arranging of a capable system of offering, in real time, services of tele-medecine or tele-rehabilitation. In second place, since a scientific point of view, the interest went the appraisal studies execution and physiological decision of parameters and biomecanics that could result of interest for subsequent investigations in disabled wheels chairs users. One of the studies carried out has shown that by means of the utilization of the ergometer built in this work is facilitated enormously the obtaining of some physiological parameters, as the anaerobic threshold or the maximum aerobic velocity, parameters that turned out to be impossible to obtain by means of the tests of trail that apply habitually valid athletes. The last work is a comparative study among results obtained by means of the standard one ASIA and them obtained experimentally with a population of 75 patients of the Unit of Spinal Cord Injured of the Hospital Universitario La Fe of Valencia. The objective is to establish and to verify an alternative method for the classification of the damage in spinal cord injury.