Adquisición de actitudes de responsabilidad social a través de un programa de promoción de voluntariado.

  1. Alonso Arroyo, Francisco Javier
Dirigida per:
  1. Juan Escámez Sánchez Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 27 de de gener de 2005

  1. Pedro Ortega Ruiz President/a
  2. Cruz Pérez Pérez Secretari
  3. Agustín Domingo Moratalla Vocal
  4. Bernardo Martínez Mut Vocal
  5. Bernardo Gargallo López Vocal
  1. Teoria de l'Educació

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 103297 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Objectives in the investigation: 1.- Go into in the education for social responsability in the school. 2.- Build up a questionnaire in scale of attitudes of social responsability. 3.- Prepare and put into practice a pedagogical programme for developing attitudes of social responsability in pupils of secondary grade. Investigation design: quasi-experimental with a control group with no equivalence. The experimental group was formed by 90 pupils of the 3grade of secondary grade of Calasanz School, and the control group was 90 pupils of Escuelas Pias School Saint Joaquin. Both of these schools show a similitude in their educational project, sharing similars educational characters. Main hypothesis of the thesis is: The application of an educative programme with a social voluntary service project, increases inside the pupils the convictions, attitudes and behaviours towards a social responsability Measurement instrument: questionnaire based in the theoretical model of reasonable action of Fishbein-Ajzen, whom is formed by 49 items and 8 descriptors: tolerance, coherence, helpness, cooperation, responsibility, social consciousness and coexistence. The alpha index of internal consistence is 082. Pedagogical Programme Open School: Three didactics units with the purpose of aproaching the pupils to the social reality of Valencia, offering them the posibility of living some experience of social voluntary service: a. Visiting a solidarity organisation. b. Volunteers for a day. c. Visiting a neighborhood. Summing up: 1. There is no significance in the control group. 2. The pupils in the experimental group had a significance improvement in the social consciousness and responsability descriptors. 3. Girls improved lightly in all of the descriptors, specially in social consciousness and cooperation. 4. Girls responded better to this programme than boys. For summarizing, we could stablish that the coordinated work between educators and social volunteers, can increase in the pupils the sense of the social responsability.