Métodos quimioluminiscentes en química analítica.

  1. Meseguer LLoret, Susana
  1. Pilar Campíns-Falcó Zuzendaria
  2. Jorge Verdú-Andrés Zuzendaria
  3. Carmen Molins Legua Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 2005(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 19

  1. Francisco Bosch Reig Presidentea
  2. Adela Sevillano Cabeza Idazkaria
  3. Angel Ríos Castro Kidea
  4. María Dolores Pérez Bendito Kidea
  5. Miguel Valcárcel Cases Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 103120 DIALNET


Chemiluminescence, given its characterístics of high sensitivity, low cost and easily to automation, can considerably benefit to the organic and inorganic compounds analysis in environmental samples. This thesis contributes to: - Improve the aliphatic amines screening analysis in water simples of different nature and to decrease their detection limits: To do that, it is proposed the preconcentration and derivatization of aliphatic amines in solid support, followed by HPLC, procedure that has been completely automated. Employing chemiluminescence detection, detection limits improved regarding to that established with UV-vis or fluorescente detection or with other reagents employed in the bibliography. - Decrease the detection limits of ammonium in waters and increase the accuracy of its determination: Previously, it is proposed a selective fluorimetric method based on ammonium reaction with OPA-NAC reagent, comparing the results with Nessler referente method and with ammonium electrode selective method; to finish with the chemiluminescence ammonium detection derivatized in solution with dansyl chloride and HPLC. - Knowledge of the sample screening methods: It is proponed a chemiluminescence authomatic method which was able to distinguish between samples that contain Cu(II) over or under the level established by legislation (50 ppb). - Improve the accuracy of the determination of some metallic ions by controlling the systematic errors and the speciation of Cr(VI) and Cr(III): By using luminol reaction, it was deepen in the accuracy of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) determination, studying the influence of the simple storage protocols in the chemiluminescence signal and, applying the multivariate calibration to the simultaneous determination of Chromium and Cobalt. - Study the dissolved organic nitrogen: By using the OPA/NAC method, the simultaneous determination of ammonium and prymary amine groups has been carried out. The chemiluminescence method allowed the determination of amine organic nitrogen (-CH2-NH-) and ammonium.