Un análisis del sistema de protección social de la Comunidad Valenciana.
- Felipe Tío, María Jesús
- Inmaculada Serra Yoldi Director/a
Universitat de defensa: Universitat de València
Fecha de defensa: 08 de de juny de 2005
- José Ramón Picó López President/a
- Pere Josep Beneyto Calatayud Secretari/ària
- Josep A. Rodríguez Díaz Vocal
- Octavio Uña Juárez Vocal
- Rafael Aliena Miralles Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
The present social protection system is the object this doctoral thesis. The investigation is focusing on two components of the system: the Social Security and the Social Services, and is restricted to the geographical area of Comunidad Valenciana, although with obligated references to the whole of Spain and European Union. The investigation integrates quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Both of them are planned complementarily. A fundamental part of the analysis is the outline and development of a social indicators system on social protection: social expenditure, social groups in need of protection, Social security benefits, and a group of indicators about primary and specialized social services: elder and young people, handicapped persons, families, women, immigrants This part of the analysis is completed with contributions of the principal agents of social protection: politic parties, labor unions, entrepreneurs, public and private organizations, or social workers and other professionals working in social welfare. The outcome of the investigation points up a protection system in Spain and Comunidad Valenciana, characterized by a low social expenditure, high rates of poverty and unemployment and a dualist protection way between people included in the labor market and people out of it. Besides of this, there are some influential demographic factors have fundamental influence, as the increase of elder persons, the unemployment or the rising rates of working women, and its consequences to the care of dependency. The economic aids and specific resources are not quite enough or adequate to satisfy the needs of individuals and families, particularly, housing or mental illness. These and other social challenges as people ageing, women and men inequality, immigration, or public and private cooperation should be considered in order to get a solidary society.