La eclosión asociativa en el tránsito hacia una nueva Era. Un estudio del tercer sector en el ámbito comarcal de l'horta sud (Valencia).

  1. Albert Rodrigo, María
Supervised by:
  1. Josepa Cucó Giner Director
  2. Antonio Ariño Villarroya Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 21 June 2005

  1. Ernest García García Chair
  2. Albert Moncusí Ferré Secretary
  3. Joan Josep Pujadas Muñoz Committee member
  4. Benjamín Tejerina Montaña Committee member
  5. Salvador Juan Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 103162 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor

Sustainable development goals


The growing relevance given to the social organizations nowadays comes from very different areas, such us the political, the academic and the given by the media. In the 90s a big social change has taken place, this has been one of the biggest in the history, without which one cannot understand the associative world risen. The associations, as historical agents, change along the time. And although this new associative wave has its roots in historical times, the current associations have new features that can distinguish them from those of other times. This boom the emergence and rise of new associations with new objectives and contents and their special dynamism are perhaps their most relevant features. But it is not just this, also the diversity of associations, that nowadays are born is also very important. There are many and interesting questions researching about how this phenomena concerning new associations works. The aim of this research is to study the associations as a new expression in the civil society in a moment of quick and deep structural transformations in the world. The central question is how can the grown and heterogeneous new world associative be explained in the occidental society during the decade of the 90s. Especially in the, in the province of Valencia, Spain. An answer attending the complexity of the phenomena must be based in a multi-factorial. As a hypothesis an explanation is given attending to two aspects: a) transversal aspects, and b) sectorial aspects. From one side, the radical in the process of individualism, the new post-modern values and the in-depth democracy in the society through the participation of the society in the industrialised world have drawn a new net observed in this research. On the other hand, in some associative areas the leisure time in the industrialised society gives a difference kind of relationship with relatives, parents, etc, for the identity and consume; the restructure of the Welfare State; the perception of the existential risks in globalise context and the process of transformation of territory in the Comarca del Horta sud affected specifically in some associative sectors.