Impacto de una medida de intervención en la precocidad de tratamiento del sindrome coronario agudo.

  1. Parejo Montell, Martín
unter der Leitung von:
  1. V. López Camps Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 21 von Mai von 2007

  1. Vicente López Merino Präsident/in
  2. Angel Rodríguez Pozo Sekretär/in
  3. Angel Llàcer Vocal
  4. Guillermo Vázquez Mata Vocal
  5. Josep Redón Más Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 132197 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Background: application of an intervention in public relation level will rebound in better recognition of symptomatology of coronary disorder and in early application of specific treatment. Objectives: main: compare earliness in specific treatment of acute coronary syndrome in population where intervention is made opposed to that who doesnt receive it. Secondary: 1- Identification of symptoms by population valued by delay between beginning of symptoms and request of health assistance. 2- Precocity and place of administration of acetylsalicylic acid as first therapeutic measure. 3- The delay produced since first assistance request and admission. 4- The delay produced since admission until fibrinolysis 5- Usage different means of medical assistance. Method and material: quasi-experimental design (pre-test post-test type) with control group not equivalent. Population receiving intervention: population over 30 sanitary area 03. Population not receiving: population over 30 sanitary area 11 Study group: over 30 with acute heart attack attended in Sagunto Hospital UMI. Control group: over 30 with acute heart attack attended in Gandia Hospital UMI. Comunitary intervention: aimed all adult population. Community education: through media, speeches in civic centres, large enterprises, etc. Individual education: advice to patients with isquemic cardiopaty background with risk factor. Messages: identifying symptoms and different types of answers. Conclusions: main: the intervention carried out in a community range reduced delay administrating fibrinolysis with significant reduction after admission. In the control group it didnt decrease. Secondary: 1- In study group intervention reduced time between beginning of symptoms until assistance request. This reduction is significant in patients were admitted by their own means. 2- In study group, intervention increased proportion of patients with AAS pre-hospital treatment although in non significant way. 3- In study group theres a significant increase in delay since first pre-hospital contact until admission. 4- Delay since admission until administration of fibrinolysis decreased in a significant way in study group. 5- Intervention in the study group provided significant increase in use of pre-hospital system by patients. First contact was established preferably with Health Center which increases significantly its use. This fact is given irrespective of the age, sex or isquemic cardiopathy record of patients.