Los Nuevos Objetos-Mundo Sociales (NOMS) como vectores de la globalización

  1. Navarro Sustaeta, Pablo 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/043nxc105

RES. Revista Española de Sociología

ISSN: 2445-0367 1578-2824

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Los Nuevos Objetos-Mundo Sociales como Vectores de la Globalización

Volume: 25

Issue: 1

Pages: 13-36

Type: Article

More publications in: RES. Revista Española de Sociología


This paper presents the concept of "New Social World-Object (NewSWO)". NewSWOs are social systems set up on a worldwide scale, each one defined by a unitary dynamics embracing the whole planet. Those NewSWOs are shaping a new type of social structure, distinct from that peculiar to previous phases of modernity. The NewSWOs -which encompass from specialized tools of interaction such as Couchsurfing to structures as complex as the global financial system- have emerged over the last decades, chiefly boosted by the current information, communication, interaction and organization technologies. Such NewSWOs embody new forms of human subjectivity and new social subjects. For this reason the NewSWOs are becoming the objective basis of -and the vectors that foster, shape and propagate- a new sociality of a global dimension.

Funding information

Este texto es una presentación resumida del enfoque teórico que anima el proyecto de investigación “Los Nuevos Objetos-Mundo Sociales (NOMS)”, financiado por la ayuda CSO2011-25942 del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, ayuda adjudicada dentro del Plan Nacional de I + D + i (2008-2011), Programa de Investigación Fundamental, Subprograma de Investigación Fundamental no orientada.


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