Well-balanced flux-splitting finite volume methods using two matrices. Application to Shallow Water Equations with topography

  1. Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo
  2. Ferreiro Ferreiro, Ana María
  3. García Rodríguez, José Antonio
  4. Martínez Gavara, Anna
Numerical simulation in Physics and Engineering: proceedings of the XIV Spanish-French Jacques-Louis Lions School : (A Coruña, Spain, September 6-10th, 2010)
  1. Arregui, Íñigo (dir. congr.)
  2. García Rodríguez, José Antonio (dir. congr.)
  3. Vázquez, Carlos (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-420-5

Year of publication: 2010

Pages: 311-312

Congress: Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering (14. 2010. A Coruña)

Type: Conference paper