Programa de formación con entrenadores para mejorar la motivación y adherencia de jóvenes futbolistas
- Pulido González, Juan José
- Tomás García Calvo Director/a
- David Sánchez Oliva Codirector/a
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura
Fecha de defensa: 29 de mayo de 2017
- Isabel Balaguer Solá Presidenta
- Hugo Sarmento Secretario/a
- María Perla Moreno Arroyo Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
The aim of this research was to deepen into the relationship of coaches and motivational processes of athletes. Specifically, Chapter I explains the theoretical framework and the current state of physical activity and sport. In Chapter II we analyze (1) the qualification levels of the coaches, (2) the perceptual differences between coaches and athletes of the given and received support, and (3) the style adopted by the coach, considering the bright and dark side of the motivation on the motivational processes of athletes. In Chapter III (4) a scale to examine the coach's interpersonal style from a holistic perspective (supportive and controlling) and, (5) a multidimensional and multigradual system of observation to analyze the verbal and structural behavior of coaches were included. Chapter IV shows the results obtained after applying an intervention program with coaches based on the (6) promotion of methodological and motivational strategies to optimize the quality of the motivational variables of young players, as well as (7) assess the effectiveness of the intervention by coding and recording coaches’ behaviour. In Chapter V a discussion subdivided in each of the chapters and a sub-section were included whit the main limitations and future prospects. Chapter VI sets out the conclusions. Finally, Chapter VII contains the references used.