Pedagogías lúdicas de innovación.Buenas prácticas de enseñanza con juegos digitales

  1. de Ansó Lavin, María Beatriz
Dirixida por:
  1. Rocío Yuste Tosina Director
  2. Graciela Alicia Esnaola Horacek Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 18 de setembro de 2017

  1. Concepción Ros Ros Presidente/a
  2. Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban Secretario/a
  3. María Carmen Bellver Moreno Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The investigation proposed as PhD thesis for the PhD in Education Science of the University of Extremadura will aim to characterize, describe and evaluate good teaching practices mediated by videogames as educational resources. This research project aims to inquire deeply in the conditions that stimulate the gamification of learning, focusing on good teaching practices that incorporate videogames as a teaching resource. The analysis unit is, thus, “Good teaching practices with videogames in the formal and non formal education milieu”. The observations and evaluations of teaching experiences that include videoludic objects allow us to elaborate some assumptions that guide our inquiries. We believe that good teaching practices with videogames as a didactic resource create a space for innovation in traditional teaching. Videogames are a powerful didactic resource for ICT inclusion in the classroom. And the incorporation of videogames in teaching favors the development of creativity, strategic thinking and collaborative learning. Therefore, we aim to demonstrate that models of education based on digital games encourage motivation, participation and the development of complex skills. It is inferred that, seizing the ludical profile that these devices offer, generational coincidences can be found that minimize the disagreements and generate communicational and motivational coincidences, propitious for the implementation of educational proposals. The theoretical framework will be built around the historical concepts of pedagogy, and ludical pedagogy mediated by innovative technologies, to contextualize the proposed gamification of the digital game based teaching models. The concepts of this theoretical framework will be behaviorism, constructivism and theories of education. For the research work it will be used a mixed methodology of descriptive approach. The sample will be configured through formal and non-formal education experiences. The aim of this work is to build tools for assessing good teaching practices with videogames, and videogame rating categories from a pedagogical perspective to facilitate the selection of digital games to be used as teaching resources in the classroom. And as a result of this inquiry it is expected to design an educational model based on the inclusion of digital games in the teaching-learning process.