An interlaboratory study as useful tool for proficiency testing of chemical oxygen demand measurements using solid substrates and liquid samples with high suspended solid content

  1. Raposo, F.
  2. de la Rubia, M.A.
  3. Borja, R.
  4. Alaiz, M.
  5. Beltrán, J.
  6. Cavinato, C.
  7. Clinckspoor, M.
  8. Demirer, G.
  9. Diamadopoulos, E.
  10. Helmreich, B.
  11. Jenicek, P.
  12. Martí, N.
  13. Méndez, R.
  14. Noguerol, J.
  15. Pereira, F.
  16. Picard, S.
  17. Torrijos, M.

ISSN: 0039-9140

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 80

Issue: 1

Pages: 329-337

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.TALANTA.2009.06.071 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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