Modelo jerárquico de diagnóstico y derivación de los trastornos mentales comunes en centros de atención primaria. Una propuesta a partir del ensayo clínico PsicAP

  1. Roger Muñoz-Navarro
  2. Antonio Cano-Vindel
  3. Paloma Ruiz-Rodríguez
  4. Leonardo Adrián Medrano
  5. César González-Blanch
  6. Juan Antonio Moriana
  7. Antonio Capafons Bonet
  8. Esperanza Dongil-Collado
Ansiedad y estrés

ISSN: 1134-7937

Ano de publicación: 2017

Volume: 23

Número: 2-3

Páxinas: 124-129

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1016/J.ANYES.2017.10.002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Ansiedad y estrés

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Common mental disorders are the most prevalent in primary care (PC) centres in Spain. Unfortunately, there is a high percentage of undetected cases, due to underdiagnosis or overdiagnosis. An incorrect identification of these disorders leads to inaccurate referrals; 39% receive no treatment and only one in three patients treated follow a minimally evidence-based treatment. In the PsicAP clinical trial, the psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), its different modules of anxiety (GAD-7), depression (PHQ-9) and panic disorder (PHQ-PD), and an ultra-brief version derived from the PHQ for anxiety and depression (PHQ-4) have been analysed. A diagnostic and referral hierarchical model of common mental disorders is proposed based on the validation of these instruments among patients attending Spanish PC centres.

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