Book chapters (57) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Academic careers and the tenure track system in Spain – coexistence of state and market logics

    Tenure Tracks in European Universities, pp. 205-219

  2. Analysis of CBDCs in South America, the Caribbean, and Their Impact on Financial Inclusion

    Global Developments in Central Bank Digital Currency, pp. 68-83

  3. Are you satisfied with your pay when you compare? It depends on your love of money, pay comparison standards, and culture

    Monetary Wisdom: Monetary Aspirations Impact Decision-Making (Elsevier), pp. 37-49

  4. Assessing the Compatibility Between Musical Performance and Tuning System

    Mathematics and Computation in Music: 9th International Conference, MCM 2024 Coimbra, Portugal, June 18–21, 2024 Proceedings (Springer Nature Switzerland AG), pp. 360-371

  5. Behavioral economics and Monetary Wisdom across 32 cultures: Good apples enjoy a good quality of life in good barrels

    Monetary Wisdom: Monetary Aspirations Impact Decision-Making (Elsevier), pp. 427-454

  6. Behavioral economics and Monetary Wisdom: The Enron Effect—Love of money, Corporate Ethical Values, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), and dishonesty across 31 geopolitical entities

    Monetary Wisdom: Monetary Aspirations Impact Decision-Making (Elsevier), pp. 193-213

  7. Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross-level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations

    Monetary Wisdom: Monetary Aspirations Impact Decision-Making (Elsevier), pp. 215-237

  8. Calidad de vida y arraigo al lugar: propuestas para una posible gestión de la despoblación en España

    Diversidad, dinámicas y respuestas ante el cambio global: aportación española al 35º Congreso de la Unión Geográfica Internacional, Dublín 2024 (Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica), pp. 124-148

  9. Circular Economy Development in Wastewater Treatment Plants

    Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment Theoretical and Experimental Approaches (Taylor and Francis), pp. 12-46

  10. Combined use of neuroscience and virtual reality for business applications

    Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management: Advances and Applications (De Gruyter), pp. 295-315

  11. Data mining e inteligencia artificial

    Digitalización turística para la sociedad 5.0 (Publicacions PUV), pp. 217-248

  12. Desigualdades territoriales de las políticas fiscales y la reforma fiscal ecológica

    VI Informe sobre la Desigualdad en España 2024. Los efectos de las transiciones demográfica, climática y digital en la desigualdad (Fundación Alternativas), pp. 263-286

  13. Disentangling the link between service quality and customer brand engagement: The case of abu khader automotive

    Improving Service Quality and Customer Engagement With Marketing Intelligence (IGI Global), pp. 65-96

  14. Diversification of knowledge production actors (including university-industry partnerships)

    Handbook of Meta-Research (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 204-214

  15. Diversification of knowledge production actors (includinguniversity-industry partnerships)

    Handbook of Meta-Research (Edward Elgar), pp. 204-214

  16. Do customer orientation strategies drive an excellent customer experience? The case of Abu Khader automotive

    Marketing Innovation Strategies and Consumer Behavior (IGI Global), pp. 175-198

  17. Economic growth and structural change in the Iberian economies, 1800–2000

    An economic history of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000 (Cambridge University Press), pp. 567-591

  18. Economic growth and the spatial distribution of income, 1800–2000

    An economic history of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000 (Cambridge University Press), pp. 473-495

  19. Escenarios de regulación de los algoritmos y tendencias socioeconómicas de carácter planetario: Retos y desafíos en un mundo bipolar

    Ciencia de datos y perspectivas de la inteligencia artificial (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 391-406

  20. Evaluación de los Servicios Sociales para personas mayores: una propuesta de indicadores para residencias

    Economía, Derecho y Empresa ante una nueva era: digitalización, IA y competitividad en un entorno global (Dykinson), pp. 704-738