Department: ENGLISH AND GE

Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Institut d' investigació: Inter-univ. Institute for Applied Modern Languages (IULMA)

Area: German Philology

Research group: GENDIGIT Digital genres: linguistic analysis of production and reception


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Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.

El listado puede contener errores. En proceso de evaluación y mejora. Compartido para recoger sugerencias de la comunidad.

  1. Language and Linguistics (Arts and Humanities) Filtrar
  2. Linguistics and Language (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  3. Literature and Literary Theory (Arts and Humanities) Filtrar
  4. Communication (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  5. Artificial Intelligence (Computer Science) Filtrar

Dr. Maria Labarta has been an Associate Professor at the Department of English and German Philology since 2002 and a member of the IULMA (University Institute of Modern Languages) since 2005. She obtained her doctorate in Linguistics at the Free University of Berlin, where she also completed her master's studies in Germanic and Hispanic philology. She has professional experience teaching graduate and postgraduate courses in Spain, Germany, and Brazil. Additionally, she has conducted research at numerous universities abroad, including Germany (FU), New Zealand (UC Christchurch), Argentina (UBA), Brazil (UERJ, UFF, UFBA, and UFAL), and the USA (CUNY and UC Berkeley). Her current research interests include multilingual translation, foreign language teaching, the role of culture and interculturality in language learning, and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Recently, her research has focused on the impact of Machine Translation (MT) systems and generative AI models in foreign language teaching and translation.