Publications by the researcher in collaboration with MIGUEL DE LA GUARDIA CIRUGEDA (64)


  1. Smart materials for sample preparation in bioanalysis: A green overview

    Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Vol. 21


  1. Green Analytical Chemistry

    Comprehensive Foodomics (Elsevier), pp. 483-493

  2. Sample preparation strategies for the determination of psychoactive substances in biological fluids

    Journal of Chromatography A, Vol. 1633


  1. Airport security screening

    Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Elsevier), pp. 61-66

  2. Automobile emissions testing

    Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Elsevier), pp. 247-252

  3. Environmental applications (air)

    Solid-Phase Extraction (Elsevier), pp. 647-671

  4. Green analytical chemistry

    Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Elsevier), pp. 356-361

  5. Green extraction techniques in green analytical chemistry

    TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 116, pp. 248-253

  6. Greening the wastes

    Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 19, pp. 24-29

  7. Uptake and translocation monitoring of imidacloprid to chili and tomato plants by molecularly imprinting extraction - ion mobility spectrometry

    Microchemical Journal, Vol. 144, pp. 195-202