Publications (14) JULIAN MARTINEZ MOYA publications
Are transhipment ports more efficient in the Mediterranean Sea? Analysing the role of time at ports using DEA metafrontier approach
Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 116
Connectivity and competitiveness of the major Mediterranean container ports using ‘Benefit-of-the-Doubt’ and ‘Common Sets of Weights’ methods in Data Envelopment Analysis
Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol. 26, Núm. 2, pp. 261-282
Exploring supply chain and regional resilience through the analysis of the transport dimension
Case Studies on Transport Policy, Vol. 16
Política económica en Indonesia
Política Económica 2022 (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 81-90
Do shippers’ characteristics influence port choice criteria? Capturing heterogeneity by using latent class models
Transport Policy, Vol. 116, pp. 96-105
Shippers vs. freight forwarders: Do they differ in their port choice decisions? Evidence from the Spanish ceramic tile industry
Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 95
Measuring foreland container port connectivity disaggregated by destination markets: An index for Short Sea Shipping services in Spanish ports
Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 89
Energy efficiency and CO2 emissions of port container terminal equipment: Evidence from the Port of Valencia
Energy Policy, Vol. 131, pp. 312-319
Smart port-hinterland integration: Conceptual proposal and simulation-based analysis in Brazilian ports
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, Vol. 12, Núm. 4, pp. 334-352
Port choice in container market: a literature review
Transport Reviews, Vol. 37, Núm. 3, pp. 300-321
The effects of european transport policy on peripheral countries: The case of Spain
International Journal of Transport Economics, Vol. 44, Núm. 3, pp. 449-471
Comercio y tranporte en África. Desarrollo portuario y corredores logísticos
Boletín económico de ICE, Información Comercial Española, Núm. 3068, pp. 33-42
El cluster de la automoción en Marruecos y su efecto sobre las relaciones comerciales entre España y Marruecos
Boletín económico de ICE, Información Comercial Española, Núm. 3070, pp. 45-54
El papel de las autoridades portuarias en la elección de puerto: principales resultados
La eficiencia del transporte como objetivo de la actuación de los poderes públicos: liberalización y responsabilidad