Publications (10) NOEMI HERRANZ ZARZOSO publications



  1. Academic dishonesty and monitoring in online exams: a randomized field experiment

    Journal of Computing in Higher Education, Vol. 36, Núm. 3, pp. 835-851


  1. Self-selection bias in a field experiment: Recruiting subjects under different payment schemes

    Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 74, Núm. 2, pp. 421-426

  2. The effects of personality, risk and other-regarding attitudes on trust and reciprocity

    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics , Vol. 96


  1. Monetary incentives and self-chosen goals in academic performance: An experimental study

    International Review of Economics Education, Vol. 27, pp. 34-44


  1. Desarrollo de una plataforma online para una docencia en microeconomía basada en experimentos

    Actas del Congreso Virtual: Avances en Tecnologías, Innovación y Desafíos de la Educación Superior ATIDES 2016