Department: ENGLISH AND GE
Faculty: Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Institut d' investigació: Inter-univ. Institute for Applied Modern Languages (IULMA)
Area: German Philology
Research group: Contrastive Linguistics German-Ibero Romance
Email: pau.bertomeu@uv.es
Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis Peticiones en alemán y español un estudio contrastivo en conversaciones coloquiales prototípicas y periféricas 2021. Supervised by Dr. José Antonio Calañas Continente, Dr. María Estellés Arguedas.
Pau Bertomeu Pi, B.A. in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation, M.A. in Secondary Education and PhD in Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and their Applications (2021) from the University of Valencia. He also holds a M.A. in Translation Studies from the University of Heidelberg (Germany). Since 2021 he has been Lecturer at the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Valencia. He is a member of the research group "Contrastive Linguistics of German and the Ibero-Romance" (CLiGIR). His research fields include contrastive linguistics (German-Spanish/Catalan), translation and German as a foreign language. He is the author of the book "Peticiones en alemán y español. Un estudio contrastivo a partir de Gran Hermano" (2022, Peter Lang) and has published in journals and publishers of excellence in Spain and abroad.