Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Area: Business Management

Research group: Research group on top management teams, business strategy and corporate governance


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis Factores determinantes del comportamiento cooperativo en las alianzas entre empresas un estudio cualitativo 1999. Supervised by Dr. Martina Menguzzato.

PhD in Management from the University of Valencia and Full Professor of the Department of Management "Juan José Renau Piqueras". Currently, He is the Director of the Chair of Family Business of the University of Valencia, and associate researcher of Ivie (Valencian Institute of Economic Research). He has been visiting professor at Bocconi University (Italy), HEC Montreal and Concordia University (Canada). His research interests are related to the study of strategy and competitiveness of organizations, as well as the role of management teams and government bodies in this area. Likewise, his studies also address the strategic analysis of the university system and the factors that influence academic performance. He has published more than thirty articles on these issues in various national and international journals, including Long Range Planning, Business Research Quarterly, Journal of Management Studies, Group and Organization Management, British Journal of Management, International Small Business Journal and International Marketing Review.