Publikationen (9) Publikationen von ALEJANDRO LAMAS PEREZ


  1. Iberian ATLAS Cloud response during the first LHC collisions

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series


  1. Scientific applications running at IFIC using the GRID technologies within the e-science framework

    3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, ADVCOMP 2009


  1. Analysis facility infrastructure (Tier-3) for ATLAS experiment

    European Physical Journal C, Vol. 54, Núm. 4, pp. 691-697

  2. Experience running a distributed Tier-2 in Spain for the ATLAS experiment

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series


  1. Development and setup of a prototype system of distributed analysis for ATLAS tier-2

    Proceedings - 12th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiments, LECC 2006