Publicacions en què col·labora amb JOSEP RIBES BERTOMEU (27)
An advanced control system for nitrogen removal and energy consumption optimization in full-scale wastewater treatment plants
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 57
Towards Optimisation of Microalgae Cultivation through Monitoring and Control in Membrane Photobioreactor Systems
Water (Switzerland), Vol. 16, Núm. 1
Widening the applicability of most-open-valve (MOV) strategy for aeration control at full scale WWTPs by combining fuzzy-logic control and knowledge-based rules
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 53
New frontiers from removal to recycling of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater in the Circular Economy
Bioresource Technology, Vol. 300
Resource recovery from sulphate-rich sewage through an innovative anaerobic-based water resource recovery facility (WRRF)
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 78, Núm. 9, pp. 1925-1936
Design methodology for submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR): A case study
Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 141, pp. 378-386
Designing an AnMBR-based WWTP for energy recovery from urban wastewater: The role of primary settling and anaerobic digestion
Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 156, pp. 132-139
Instrumentation, control, and automation for submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactors
Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), Vol. 36, Núm. 14, pp. 1795-1806
Global sensitivity analysis of a filtration model for submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR)
Bioresource Technology, Vol. 158, pp. 365-373
Model-based automatic tuning of a filtration control system for submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR)
Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 465, pp. 14-26
A filtration model applied to submerged anaerobic MBRs (SAnMBRs)
Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 444, pp. 139-147
Advanced control system for optimal filtration in submerged anaerobic MBRs (SAnMBRs)
Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 430, pp. 330-341
Biological nutrient removal model no. 2 (BNRM2): A general model for wastewater treatment plants
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 67, Núm. 7, pp. 1481-1489
Factors that affect the permeability of commercial hollow-fibre membranes in a submerged anaerobic MBR (HF-SAnMBR) system
Water Research, Vol. 47, Núm. 3, pp. 1277-1288
Mathematical modelling of filtration in submerged anaerobic MBRs (SAnMBRs): Long-term validation
Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 446, pp. 303-309
Performance of industrial scale hollow-fibre membranes in a submerged anaerobic MBR (HF-SAnMBR) system at mesophilic and psychrophilic conditions
Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 104, pp. 290-296
An advanced control strategy for biological nutrient removal in continuous systems based on pH and ORP sensors
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 183, pp. 212-221
An improved sampling strategy based on trajectory design for application of the Morris method to systems with many input factors
Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 37, pp. 103-109
Application of the general model Biological Nutrient Removal Model No. 1 to upgrade two full-scale WWTPs
Environmental Technology, Vol. 33, Núm. 9, pp. 1005-1012
Influence of total solids concentration on membrane permeability in a submerged hollow-fibre anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 66, Núm. 2, pp. 377-384