Multimodalidad en ELEEstrategias para aulas internivel
ISSN: 0212-0410, 2603-8560
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 46
Pages: 145-169
Type: Article
More publications in: Cauce: Revista Internacional de Filología, Comunicación y sus Didácticas
Human communication is, essentially, multimodal, since it does not communicate through a unique system or code, but rather, when interacting, it interacts with different languages that, in addition, are configured simultaneously. For this reason, ELE teaching cannot be understood outside of multimodality, not only as an end to the teaching-learning activity (to promote a «multimodal communicative competence»), but as a classroom methodology itself. Multimodality in language teaching favors motivation and responds to different profiles and learning styles; Likewise, it allows for more flexible access to content in interlevel classrooms. Indeed, curricular heterogeneity is one of the difficulties for the ELE teacher and flexible didactic proposals are required that adapt and personalize the process (the rhythms of acquisition of content and skills of each ELE learner in their curricular diversity).The combination of different modes of communication, but also of teaching (verbal, kinesic, gestural, audiovisual...) can help the academic success of non-homogenous groups (previous knowledge, metalinguistic knowledge, L2 learning experience...) and adds the factor of the variety in the presentation of the contents, as a way more to motivate the group and enrich the formative process