Estudio de la percepción y evaluación de la música contemporáneaimplicaciones didácticas

  1. Botella Nicolás, Ana María 1
  2. González-Ferrandis, Francisco 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


epsir: European Public & Social Innovation Review

ISSN: 2529-9824

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Innovando en contenidos universitarios para el futuro

Issue: 9

Type: Article

DOI: 10.31637/EPSIR-2024-743 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: epsir: European Public & Social Innovation Review


Introduction: Contemporary music has not achieved a significant role in music education. The limited inclusion of contemporary works and composers in educational levels reduces students’ ability to appreciate, value and enjoy this repertoire. The study analyzes the experience of a group of Primary Education Degree students who volutarily attended a contemporary music concert. The aim is to identify the appreciative strategies and beliefs of the participants regarding the educational interest of contemporary repertoire. Methodology: The study employs a qualitative methodology and inductive content analysis of personal documents prepared by the participants (27 students without musical training) after the concert. Results: The results of the analysis are structured around three thematic categories: perception, evaluation, and educational interest. Discussions: The results are interpreted and discussed by establishing connections with the findings of previous research. Conclusions: The results have practical implications in the field of music education, as they allow the design of educational interventions that improve the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of contemporary repertoire.

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