Early childhood teachers’ perception of their initial teacher training curriculums in Chile
- Concha-Díaz, Valeska 1
- Margarita Bakieva Karimova 2
- Jesús Miguel Jornet-Meliá 2
Universidad Europea de Valencia
Universidad Europea de Valencia
Valencia, España
- 2 Departamento de Métodos y Diagnósticos de Investigación en Educación, Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, Valencia, España
ISSN: 1888-8992, 1989-2209
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 17
Issue: 2
Type: Article
More publications in: European journal of education and psychology
Initial early childhood teacher training should integrate elements of responsibility and continuous social change from the perspective of education for sustainable development in democratic society. This approach helps us understand human development, explains the establishment of social connections, and contributes to building fairer communities. It trains committed teachers capable of leading social challenges and creating equitable societies through pedagogical action. This study assesses Chilean early childhood teachers’ perceptions of their initial training curriculum and analyzes its contribution to improving social cohesion as a basis for democratic societies. An adhoc questionnaire, designed within the project aimed in improve the social cohesion in the school, was administered to 462 Chilean kindergarten teachers. K-means cluster analysis was performed, relating the groups to context variables. Results indicated positive perceptions of the initial training, with participants valuing sustainability, social well-being, sense of belonging, and level of participation within training institutions. A positive relationship was found between social cohesion and holding a coordinating position, as well as continuing professional development. There is still a significant gap for improvement in institutional policies, encouraging teacher participation in evaluations, creating incentives that foster genuine social mobility, and enhancing inclusion.
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