El género true crime y la criminologíauna introducción

  1. Vicente Garrido Genovés
Boletín criminológico

ISSN: 2254-2043 1137-2427

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 30

Issue: 234

Pages: 1-24

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24310/BC.30.2024.20681 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

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The genre of true crime has known a great development in the past ten years, although its origin can be traced to the XVI century. We present in this paper an introductory analysis about the rela-tionship between this narrative genre and criminology. We stress two points. Firstly, that true crime, as cultural products, are tools to create criminological knowledge in the meanings developed by McGregor: phenomenological, counterfactual and mi-metic-descriptive. Secondly, that given the plasticity and variety of themes consid-ered, this genre has an important role as a teaching tool in our discipline. We offer also a classification of the different types in which true crime can be presented, in the literature as well as audiovisual narrative.

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