Optimization of MBRs Through Integrated Modelling

  1. Mannina, G.
  2. Alliet, M.
  3. Brepols, C.
  4. Comas, J.
  5. Harmand, J.
  6. Heran, M.
  7. Robles, A.
  8. Rodriguez-Roda, I.
  9. Ruano, M.V.
  10. Smets, I.
Book Series:
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

ISSN: 2366-2565 2366-2557

ISBN: 9783031633560

Year of publication: 2024

Frontiers in Membrane Technology - 7th IWA-RMTC 2024

Volume: 525 LNCE

Pages: 84-88

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-63357-7_14 GOOGLE SCHOLAR