Políticas y prácticas para la longevidad
- Pineda Nebot, Carmen 1
- Martins, Simone 2
- Costa, Silvia Maria Magalhães 3
- Roig, Rosa 4
- 1 GEGOP. España
- 2 Universidad Federal de Viçosa, Brasil
- 3 FLACSO Sede Ecuador/ GEGOP
- 4 Universidad de Valencia, España
ISSN: 2174-9515
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Políticas e práticas para a longevidade
Volume: 9
Issue: 233-247
Pages: 77-80
Type: Article
More publications in: GIGAPP: Estudios Working Papers
How is elderly care in Latin America? In a broad sense, they are already visible, studied, analyzed and known in Ibero-American countries, longevity is defined as individual and collective survival and life expectancy. It is the average number of years that a certain population lives, absolute or total in a certain period. With this monographic number we hope to contribute to this debate. Thus, 15 articles and a review were selected that deal with important issues for the elderly population such as health, covid, education, coexistence, services, rights. participation, residences as well as others focused on those towns and traditional communities. In the case of traditional peoples and communities, the specifics of their longevity and life expectancy have been incorporated very slowly into technical-scientific knowledge, policies, and public management. We hope that this monograph on longevity will serve not only for public managers to launch and implement policies for this population group, but also for society to see that life has many periods and that all of them are important. If we have learned anything during the pandemic, it is that solutions cannot be individual but collective, let us apply this lesson to the care and protection of older people who need it, but without forgetting that they are full citizens and therefore have the right to be ears in the measures that are taken. Otherwise we will be taking away the rights that correspond to them.
Bibliographic References
- Citas Mendes, D. S.; Damasco, F. S.; Nascimento, A. P. 2015. “O Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais na Base Territorial do IBGE: Proposta metodológica para o tratamento da informação”. Conference Paper · January 2015.
- Okamoto, L; Antunes, M. y Damasco, F. 2018. Povos indígenas nas estatísticas oficiais: identificação étnica, recomendações internacionais e a experiência brasileira. IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). Panorama Nacional e Internacional da Produção de Indicadores Sociais. https://ds.saudeindigena.icict.fiocruz.br/bitstream/bvs/4428/2/019533487.pdf