Análisis del aprendizaje práctico mediante plataformas profesionales ópticas y de radio en base a proyectos en el grado en ingeniería electrónica de telecomunicaciones de la Universitat de València

  1. Joaquín Pérez Soler 1
  2. Adrián Suárez Zapata 1
  3. José Torres País 1
  4. Miguel García Pineda 1
  5. Antonio Soriano Asensi 1
  6. Raimundo García-Olcina 1
  7. Santiago Felici Castell 1
  8. Martínez Delgado, Pedro A. 1
  9. Andrea Amaro 1
  10. Abraham Menéndez 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València, España
In-Red 2022. VIII Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red
  1. García Sabater, José Pedro; (dir. congr.)
  2. Cano Escribá, Juan Carlos (dir. congr.)

Argitaletxea: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 9788413960173

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Orrialdeak: 507-519

Biltzarra: Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red (8. 2022. null)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Pedagogic tools that allow the emulation of tasks that students can carry out in their future jobs is often a motivating element. For this reason, it may be interesting to incorporate new teaching methods that are closer to the professional work of engineering. One of the most common professional opportunities for Telecommunications or Electronic Engineering degrees is related to communications, their design and management. The combination of almost-professional practical sessions, with a project-based methodology (PBL) and an implementation at different levels of the degree of GIET of the ETSE-UV has allowed us to analyse the impact on the motivation and dedication of the students regading the communication body of knowledge. The innovative proposal lies in the PBL itself, the flexibility in the student dedication, the formative and peer assessment and its development over 3 semesters with a compendium of social contexts that have radically changed the previous programme timeline. The results show that the introduction of these innovations improves the dedication and motivation of the 3 groups of students studied. And that the application of optical concepts is an object of motivational value as shown by the net increase in the dimensions of satisfaction,engagement and motivation for the last group compared to the first one. The overall improvement according to the questionnaire reasults is 15-20 % for all the dimensions analyzed.