El martirio en época romanacaracterísticas, fuentes y transmisión

  1. M.ª Amparo Mateo
Nuevas letras con antigua caligrafía. Mártires romanos en altares barrocos
  1. Fernando Quiles (ed. lit.)
  2. José Jaime García Bernal (ed. lit.)

Verlag: Enredars Publicaciones

ISBN: 978-84-09-51893-7

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Titel des Bandes: Universo Barroco Iberoamericano

Ausgabe: 30

Seiten: 11-33

Art: Buch-Kapitel


Legal proceedings against Christian martyrs, which reverberate across various historical periods coalescing into a prominent motif in art, can be traced back to classical antiquity. Within the context of the Roman Empire, persecutions, trials, and executions endured by such people took place in compliance with that society’s framework of criminal law. The literature regarding these events, however, tends to distort the data to the point of factual misrepresentation, which in turn has impacted visual art thereby introducing some features that depart from historical reality. It is necessary to know both what truly happened at these martyr trials, and also precisely how they were transmitted, in order to gain a good grasp of certain traits of later literature and art.