El aprendizaje de la técnica pianística en las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superioresun estudio sobre la perspectiva del estudiantado
- Ana María Botella Nicolás
- Rosa Isusi Fagoaga
- Martín Mateo Laguía
ISSN: 1698-7454
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 20
Pages: 229-251
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical
This article characterizes the learning of piano technique in regulated education, in centers that teach Higher Artistic Education in the specialty of Interpretation in Spain. For this, a questionnaire was designed and validated, which was later applied to the population. The resulting sample has been 122 people. The objectives of the study were descriptive in nature and intended to characterize the profile of the students and learn about their conceptions about piano technique, as well as establish a theoretical paradigm about the teaching-learning of this subject at present which would contemplate the resources available and used to their learning, the evaluation processes, and the demands of the students for the improvement of the technical mastery of the instrument. The results obtained indicate that the questionnaire is valid and reliable to measure the stated objectives. This study is the first carried out on the teaching-learning process of piano technique in Spain and the conclusions allow us to advance in its knowledge and improvement.
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