Observation of a threshold enhancement in the reaction γp→K+K-π+π-p at γ energies of 20-70 GeV

  1. Aston, D.
  2. Atkinson, M.
  3. Bailey, R.
  4. Ball, A.H.
  5. Bouquet, B.
  6. Brookes, G.R.
  7. Bröring, J.
  8. Bussey, P.J.
  9. Clarke, D.
  10. Clegg, A.B.
  11. d'Almagne, B.
  12. de Rosny, G.
  13. Diekmann, B.
  14. Draper, M.
  15. Drevillon, B.
  16. Duerdoth, I.P.
  17. Dufey, J.-P.
  18. Ellison, R.J.
  19. Ezra, D.
  20. Feller, P.
  21. Ferrer, A.
  22. Flynn, P.J.
  23. Friese, F.
  24. Galbraith, W.
  25. George, R.
  26. Gill, S.D.M.
  27. Goldberg, M.
  28. Goodman, S.
  29. Graves, W.
  30. Grossetête, B.
  31. Hampson, P.G.
  32. Heinloth, K.
  33. Hughes-Jones, R.E.
  34. Hutton, J.S.
  35. Ibbotson, M.
  36. Jung, M.
  37. Katsanevas, S.
  38. Kemp, M.A.R.
  39. Kovacs, F.
  40. Kumar, B.R.
  41. Lafferty, G.D.
  42. Lane, J.B.
  43. Levy, J.-M.
  44. Liebenau, V.
  45. Litt, J.
  46. London, G.
  47. Mercer, D.
  48. Morris, J.V.
  49. Müller, K.
  50. Newton, D.
  51. Paul, E.
  52. Petroff, P.
  53. Pons, Y.
  54. Raine, C.
  55. Richard, F.
  56. Richter, R.
  57. Roberts, J.H.C.
  58. Roudeau, P.
  59. Rougé, A.
  60. Rumpf, M.
  61. Sené, M.
  62. Six, J.
  63. Skillicorn, I.O.
  64. Sleeman, J.C.
  65. Smith, K.M.
  66. Steinhauer, C.
  67. Storr, K.M.
  68. Treille, D.
  69. de la Vaissière, Ch.
  70. Videau, H.
  71. Videau, I.
  72. Waite, A.P.
  73. Wijangco, A.
  74. Wojcik, W.
  75. Wuthrick, J.-P.
  76. Yiou, T.P.
  77. Erakutsi egile guztiak +
Physics Letters B

ISSN: 0370-2693

Argitalpen urtea: 1980

Alea: 92

Zenbakia: 1-2

Orrialdeak: 219-222

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(80)90341-X GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak