Archaeometric study of natural hydraulic mortars: the case of the Late Roman Villa dell’Oratorio (Florence, Italy)

  1. Lezzerini, M.
  2. Ramacciotti, M.
  3. Cantini, F.
  4. Fatighenti, B.
  5. Antonelli, F.
  6. Pecchioni, E.
  7. Fratini, F.
  8. Cantisani, E.
  9. Giamello, M.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

ISSN: 1866-9565 1866-9557

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 9

Issue: 4

Pages: 603-615

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S12520-016-0404-2 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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