Spectroscopic Determination of the Electronic Structure of a Uranium Single-Ion Magnet

  1. Coutinho, J.T.
  2. Perfetti, M.
  3. Baldoví, J.J.
  4. Antunes, M.A.
  5. Hallmen, P.P.
  6. Bamberger, H.
  7. Crassee, I.
  8. Orlita, M.
  9. Almeida, M.
  10. van Slageren, J.
  11. Pereira, L.C.J.
Chemistry - A European Journal

ISSN: 1521-3765 0947-6539

Année de publication: 2019

Volumen: 25

Número: 7

Pages: 1758-1766

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/CHEM.201805090 GOOGLE SCHOLAR