Comunicar conocimientos vs. organizar el conocimientola gestión del gen-preneur en el aula
Universitat de València
ISSN: 0718-2724
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Pages: 146-157
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation
There have been countless tests made to confirm that creativity is a critical skill for entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial training (Schmidt, J. et al. 2012), even more, practices on divergent thinking increases the entrepreneurial skills of students to generate a greater number and range of ideas, but not, their approaches to solve problems in a creative way. Our goal is to show that entrepreneurship is a facet of creativity and that the "hidden" entrepreneur in the learner, will need to observe and confirm the existence of sufficient external constraints -context and social network- to release its entrepreneurial attitude, furthermore it will be essential, that teachers adopt an innovative approach that enables a suitable context, in this way almost intuitively, and vocational - show student behaviors associated with entrepreneurial attitudes. In our study, we found out that the implementation of an innovative teaching contributes to facilitate the transmission of the entrepreneurial spirit and improves the use of gen-preneur in class.
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