La clase de lengua en secundaria como aula de E/LE: cómo aplicar algunas herramientas de L2
ISSN: 1886-337X
Year of publication: 2013
Issue: 9
Pages: 89-99
Type: Article
More publications in: Foro de profesores de E/LE
Non-native students in secondary education require specific attention and curricular adaptation, therefore teachers have to employ all the necessary strategies in order to make the language of instruction, which is essential to advance in the rest of subjects, be acquired as soon as possible. The fact that this education level is compulsory and the requirements to make a successful transition to the next grade make the process difficult, especially when teachers have to apply the assessment criteria. One alternative additional to the official assessment is SFL materials and tools, because they allow teachers to assess the student�s linguistic advances and to check the level of communicative competence that he or she has reached. The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a useful and motivating tool, not only for students, but also for teachers, especially if the student moves to a different high school.
Bibliographic References
- Corpas, J., Garmendia, A. y Soriano, C. (2005). Aula internacional. Barcelona: Difusión.
- Ministerio de Educación. Porfolio Europeo de Lenguas. Disponible en: