Convergencia de las ciencias jurídico sociales, criminológicas y penitenciarias en la verificación de las consecuencias jurídicas del delitoespecial atención a la eficiencia de la pena de prisión

  1. Ramón Martínez, Pedro
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Angel Rubio Lara Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 06 May 2013

  1. Santiago Redondo Illescas Chair
  2. Cristina Guisasola Lerma Secretary
  3. Vicente Javier Garrido Genovés Committee member
  4. Diego José Gómez Iniesta Committee member
  5. Esperanza Vaello Esquerdo Committee member

Type: Thesis


This paper aims to show how the purposes of rehabilitation, reintegration and prevention of the imprisonment have been degraded by the misinterpretation of that society should impose suffering to the delinquent proportional to the suffering caused by the crime. In this research we argue that adequate criminal policy should be based on the results provided by legal, criminology and penitentiary sciences: education is the best antidote to face violence, as its most pernicious effect is precisely the destruction of public confidence in the functioning of the institutions. Hence, the aim of this study is to provide lega ferenda proposals to improve the system of the legal consequences applied to the offense.